As always, I've been working on lots of little projects since my last post, and I've been having some fun with wreaths... I recently joined (seriously amazing - lots of inspiration for DIY, recipes, kid stuff, fashion, etc) and there are TONS of fabulous wreaths just begging to be made... Ever since I made the heart wreath in February (see here), my door (although beautiful!) looks very plain without something on it...
So, I made a yarn wreath for the first time a couple months ago... I didn't want to spend much on it and I didn't want to go to Michael's to buy a wreath form (because that store is WAY too tempting for a 2-year-old's hands!)... I remembered hearing/reading somewhere (probably on pinterest!) that you could make a wreath form using the foam wraps that go on copper plumbing pipes - so off to Rona we went! I found one that was long enough to make into a circle, and I think it cost just over $1.00... I followed the directions here, and voila - felt flowers and everything!
Unfortunately, I did not think about the weight that the felt flowers would add when I was duct taping the ends of my form together... After only a short time, my wreath started drooping... And drooping... And before I had to shamefully take it down, here's what it looked like:
My poor, sad, sad wreath :'(
BUT! Like I said before, my door looks too plain with nothing on it, so OF COURSE I had to make another! I even braved Michael's (with both children) and bought a proper wreath that won't loose it's shape... I was inspired by this wreath (SO gorgeous!) and learned to make a couple new flowers... I only have a few done, and they're not awesome, but I used pins to attach them this time, so they can be changed and rearranged when I make some more... Or other colours for different seasons!
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